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IV Wellness Infusions & Injections

Each infusion is paired with specific optional add-ons by our pharmacist to enhance your wellness experience, additional fees apply.

IV Therapy Menu

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Myers Cocktail

The Myers Cocktail is the industry standard in vitamin and mineral IV therapy. Packed with everything you may need to get feeling better, quicker.

Add-ons - glutathione.

Athletic Performance &

Minerals, B-vitamins, magnesium and amino acids specially blended to support muscle function and recovery.

Add-ons - B-complex, glutathione,

B-12 (methylated.)

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Fat Burner-Lipo

Vitamins, minerals and lipotropic nutrients to help each cell more efficiently turn stored fat into energy, include this with a healthy lifestyle and enhance your inch loss. Consider adding this to your red light therapy sessions to maximize your inch loss.

Add-ons - MICC aka Skinny Shot.

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Beauty & Youth

Zinc, vitamin C and biotin to bring out your natural radiance.

Add-ons - glutathione, extra zinc, B-complex and mineral blend.


We all could use a get up and go sometimes, Life is stressful, work can be exhausting and a nice pick me up is just what you need. Magnesium, vitamin C and B-complex.

Add-ons - mineral blend, amino blend and MICC aka skinny shot

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Magnesium and B-vitamins to get you back on track.

Add-ons - glutathione, mineral blend, B-complex, Tylenol, Zofran for nausea and Toradol for pain.

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Just what you need reclaim your day, magnesium and B-vitamins and Tylenol to calm your migraine.

Add-ons - Zoran for nausea and Toradol for pain.


Everything you need to support a healthy immune system including zinc and vitamin C so you can prevent or recover faster from whatever

is ailing you.

Add-ons - B-complex, glutathione, B-6 and Tri-Immune.

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GI-bug got you down and out let a liter of fluids get you back in the game.


B-12 is known to support overall health and its benefits include increased energy, enhanced mood, better sleep, supports cardiovascular health, supports improved sleep. healthy blood cell formation and supports healthy nerve function

IM Wellness Shots

also known as intramuscular injections or booster shots

Olympia’s Vita Complex is infused with essential B-complex vitamins, designed to support the transformation of food into energy while also promoting a radiant and healthy complexion.

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Glutathione has many functions. It is vital to mitochondrial function and necessary to produce DNA. It plays an important role in removing toxins, such as mercury, from the brain and other cells. It is key in supporting immune function, metabolism, tissue building and repair, and helping with certain enzyme functions.As a powerful antioxidant, it may help fight the effects of free radicals, which cause oxidative stress, damage healthy cells, and contribute to aging and certain degenerative illnesses.

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The Tri-Immune Boost is a comprehensive immunity-enhancing formula that includes a powerful blend of antioxidants and a vital mineral, all working synergistically to fortify the body’s immune defenses.


MICC is an injectable solution that supports fat loss by boosting overall energy, reducing fat deposits and accelerating metabolic processes. It’s ideal for those looking to enhance metabolic functions within a medically supervised program.


Lipo-Mino-Mix is a top-selling injectable weight loss solution designed to boost metabolism, increase energy and support your weight loss journey through a blend of potent ingredients like B6, Methionine and Choline.

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